How to Clean Popcorn Machine(Hacks That Work)

How do you get burnt oil from a popcorn maker? What is the best way to clean it? Here is how to clean popcorn machine.

how to clean popcorn machine

Homemade Popcorn Bliss: How to Clean a Popcorn Machine

Do you love making popcorn at home or in your business but dread cleaning? Popcorn machines are great for making delicious snacks. However, they need regular cleaning to maintain their performance and hygiene. 

Depending on the type of popcorn machine you have, you may need different methods and tools to clean it properly. This guide will show you how to clean a hot-air popcorn machine, stovetop, and commercial popcorn maker. 

We will also provide a list of items to use when cleaning a popcorn machine and some tips and warnings to remember.

Why You Should Clean Your Popcorn Machine Regularly

Why You Should Clean Your Popcorn Machine Regularly

Cleaning your popcorn machine is a matter of hygiene but also of performance and taste. A dirty popcorn machine can cause several problems, such as:

  • Food contamination: If you don’t clean your appliances regularly, whether a popcorn machine or Cuisinart air fryer, you may end up with stale, burnt, or rotten food. Bacteria, mold, and insects can also grow in the leftover popcorn and oil, creating a health hazard for you and your customers.
  • Grease build-up: Over time, the oil and butter you use to make popcorn can accumulate on the surface. Not only that but also inside the parts of your popcorn machine, creating a sticky and smelly residue. Grease build-up can cause your popcorn machine to overheat, malfunction, or fire.
  • Reduced lifespan: Whether a dirty popcorn machine or Euhomy ice maker, it can wear out faster than a clean one. Not only that, but dirt, grime, and debris can clog the vents. Plus, it damages the electrical components and corrodes the metal parts of your popcorn machine.

How Often You Should Clean Your Popcorn Machine

The frequency of cleaning your popcorn machine depends on how often you use it and what type of popcorn machine you have. Generally, clean your popcorn machine after every use or at least once a day if you use it frequently. 

However, some types of popcorn machines may require more or less cleaning than others. 

Comparison of Different Popcorn Machines

Here is a table that compares different popcorn machines. It considers the cost, capacity, the taste, the healthiness, the ease of use, and the ease of cleaning.

Machine typeCostCapacityTasteHealthinessUsabilityEase of cleaning
Hot-Air LowLowmildHighHighHigh
Stovetop LowMediumRichMediumMediumMedium

As you can see, a hot-air popcorn machine is the cheapest, healthiest, and easiest to use and clean. However, it also produces the least amount of popcorn and the mildest flavor.

A stovetop popcorn maker is a good balance between cost, capacity, taste, healthiness, and ease of use and cleaning. However, it requires more attention and skill than a hot-air popcorn machine.

A commercial popcorn maker is the most expensive but produces the most popcorn and has the richest flavor. However, it also requires the most oil and butter and cleaning and maintenance.

Cleaning Popcorn Machines Safely

How to Clean Your Popcorn Machine Safely

Before you start cleaning your popcorn machine, ensure you have the following items ready:

  • A pair of protective gloves
  • A non-abrasive sponge, towel, or cloth
  • Mild detergent or Dish soap
  • A drying rack or a counter
  • A liquid cleaning solution that does not contain ammonia (such as Carnival King Kettle Kleen1)
  • A microfiber cloth or a fleece cleaner
  • Window cleaner or vinegar solution
  • Warm water

Depending on the type of popcorn machine you have, you may need different methods and tools to clean it properly. 

In the following sections, we will show you how to clean a hot-air popcorn machine, a stovetop popcorn maker, and a commercial popcorn maker.

1. How to Clean a Hot-Air Popcorn Machine

How to Clean a Hot-Air Popcorn Machine

A hot-air popcorn machine is a popcorn maker that uses hot air to pop the kernels without adding oil or butter. It makes it healthier but requires less cleaning than other popcorn machines. Here are the steps to clean a hot-air popcorn machine:

I) Allow the Unit to Cool Down

Allow the item to cool completely with all components in place before cleaning. The appliance ought to cool down on its own. Avoid using water or any other substance to assist in cooling the appliance. 

As the machine cools, unplug it. It is best to leave the machine for a few hours or overnight, even though many gadgets can cool down in as little as an hour.

II) How to Clean Popcorn Machine Melting Pot and Cover

Use dish soap, a light detergent, and warm water to clean the lid, the butter melter cup, and any other removable parts. Wash every part by hand unless indicated otherwise in the manufacturer’s handbook. 

Water should not clean any non-removable or electrical parts since this could damage the maker. To clean the detachable components, use a sponge or washcloth. 

Avoid using steel wool or any other type of cleaning pad. Before replacing the parts, let them completely dry on a drying rack or the counter.

III) Using a Moist Cloth, Rinse the Chute

Wipe down the chute with a moist towel if it isn’t removable. To prevent issues with the electrical equipment, do not rinse within the popping chamber. Remove debris from the popping chamber using a microfiber fleece cleaner or other dry cleaning cloth.

IV) Replace and Store All Components

After every part is dry and clean, assemble them in the proper location on the popcorn maker. Place the maker in a dry kitchen, like a cupboard or shelf. When storing the maker, ensure the cable is neatly wrapped and does not dangle.

2. How to Clean a Stovetop Popcorn Maker

How to Clean a Stovetop Popcorn Maker

A stovetop popcorn maker is a type of popcorn maker that uses oil and heat to pop the kernels on a stovetop. It makes it a more traditional and flavorful option but requires more cleaning than a hot-air popcorn machine. Here are the steps to clean a stovetop popcorn maker:

I) Let the Machine Cool

Let your stovetop popcorn maker cool fully before cleaning it. Before handling the unit, it should be cool to the touch. Removing leftover or wasted popcorn kernels before cleaning the appliance is also a good idea.

II) Discard Butter and Oil

To remove any excess oil or butter from the popcorn maker’s interior, use a paper towel or a dry rag. To eliminate extra grease, use a towel instead of cleaning solutions.

III) Clean the Machine With Warm, Soapy Water

Use a sponge or washcloth to clean the device gently in warm, soapy water. To avoid scratching the unit’s surface, avoid using steel wool or other scouring tools. After using soap, give the appliance a thorough rinse with clean water.

IV) Let It Dry on the Counter

Dry the unit on a rack or a counter, ensuring no water remains inside the unit. Water can cause rusting or corrosion of the metal parts of the unit. Store the unit in a dry place when not in use.

3. How to Clean a Commercial Popcorn Maker

How to Clean a Commercial Popcorn Maker

A commercial popcorn maker is a type of popcorn machine used in movie theaters and diners. It can produce large quantities of popcorn quickly. 

However, it also requires more cleaning than a home popcorn machine. Here are the steps to clean a commercial popcorn maker:

I) Switch off the Appliance

Ensure all the light and heating switches are off before cleaning. Before cleaning the kettle, unplug the appliance and let it cool for at least half an hour. During that time, you can make the cleaning solution by combining your Kettle Kleen concentrate with water.

II) Take the Kettle Out of the Appliance

Take the kettle out from the unit by lifting it off the supports or hinges. Be careful not to spill any oil or popcorn inside the cabinet. Place the kettle on a stable surface or a bucket.

III) Let the Kettle Boil

Fill the kettle with the liquid cleaning solution. Re-plug the machine and heat the kettle until the mixture reaches a boil.  

The boiling action will help loosen and dissolve any grease or carbon build-up inside the kettle. Let the solution boil for a few minutes, then turn off the heat and let the kettle cool.

IV) Cleaning Popcorn Machine Kettle

Drain the solution from the kettle into a bucket or a sink. Be careful not to splash the hot liquid on yourself or the machine. 

Rinse the kettle with clean water to remove any remaining solution or debris. Wipe the remainder of the kettle down with a rag. If necessary, repeat the methods for materials that are difficult to work with.

V) How to Clean Popcorn Machine Glass

Avoid using ammonia-based products as your popcorn machine cleaner. The best cleaner for popcorn machine, includes a window cleaner or vinegar solution. Plus, use a towel to wipe the glass inside and out. 

It will remove any splotches or stains from the popcorn or the oil. Do not use ammonia-based cleaners, as they can damage the plastic or metal surfaces of the machine.

VI) Clean the Outer Surface

Use a damp cloth and a mild detergent when cleaning a popcorn machine on the outer surface. Wipe away any dust, dirt, or grease that may have accumulated on the machine. Do not use abrasive cleaners or scouring pads, as they may scratch the machine’s surface. Dry the machine with a soft cloth or a paper towel.

You’re ready to reassemble your unit now that your cabinet, kettle, and plating are clean. After putting everything back together, you’re done!

Tips and Warnings on Cleaning Popcorn Machine

Here are some tips and warnings to remember when cleaning your popcorn machine:

  • Do not allow employees under 18 to clean the kettle. It should only get handled by professionals.
  • Always use protective gloves. It will shield your hands from the hot kettle and the cleaner.
  • Never use ammonia-containing cleaning products. Certain food service surfaces, like metal and plastic, can sustain long-term damage from ammonia.
  • Regularly clean your popcorn maker.

We hope this post has given you valuable tips for cleaning a popcorn maker.  

Following these steps will ensure you can keep your popcorn machine in good condition and enjoy fresh and tasty popcorn every time. 

Check our other helpful guides on appliance and kitchen cleaning hacks.


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